Saturday, September 5, 2009

Childhood Christmas Memories from Dot

One Christmas when we lived there Mother gave us dolls and clothes for them that she had made herself. Another Christmas we got clothes. I remember I got a pink skirt with turquoise figures in it, along with a turquoise sweater. I loved that outfit! Of course Mother had made the skirt herself. The sweater was probably the first store-bought article of clothing I ever had. Speaking of one time when we were small, the Boggs families drew names for gifts. The grownups would draw among themselves, then the kids. We had several cousins our age at that time. There were Jerry, Sherry, and Charlotte Gay (we called her Gay) who were the children of Mother's twin brother Louis. Then there were Larry and Barbara, daughters of Delbert, another of Mother's brothers. I think maybe Pam was born by then, the first daughter of Emaline, Mother's sister. Her other two brothers, Roy Lee and Vernie Ray were too young to be married at the time. I remember the one Christmas we drew names because Barbara got my name, and when we opened our gifts, mine was a pair of cotton panties. I guess I never liked my Aunt Elanor after that. I was so disappointed, because the other girls were getting pretty bracelets or combs, etc. I remember I hid my panties and wouldn't tell what I got! My worst Christmas!!

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