Saturday, September 5, 2009

Childhood Bumps and Bruises by Dot

There were swings in the playground at the school, and I remember once I was swinging and someone - probably some mean boy - came up behind me and pushed me so hard I fell out of the swing. I still have a small scar on my forehead from that incident. One day we were outside the house playing on the car. We would climb up to the roof, then slide down the windshield to the hood. We were't supposed to do it, of course, but being kids, we did it anyway. On this particular day the car must have been really slippery because Carole came sliding down to the hood and kept on going to the ground. She broke her collar bone! Poor Carole, I think, was accident prone. She always had something wrong.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Ouch! Broken Collar Bone! How old was Carole at the time?