Sunday, July 19, 2009

I remember Daddy telling about the move the family made from East Texas to San Angelo and then to Roswell. They drove a wagon downtown Ft. Worth ovber the old brick road that is still in use. They either slept in or under the wagon at night. Daddy was able to ease his team to a farmer in SanAngelo but couldn't find any work. After about 30 days he received a letter from his half brother Knox to come to Roswell Knox had found a job for Daddy that paid $1 a day and a house for the family. It took them 14 days to go from SanAngelo to Roswell. Daddy later made the trip with his family to visit Leoder and Luther in 1927 Dodge touring car in about 9 hours. That was 1928-29 or there abouts.

1 comment:

Deborah Stewart said...

I can't believe they were living in the day where they drove wagons to move and travel and sleep. How awesome that is to read about.